Driver Name
Driver Version
Document / Driver Revision
Feb 5, 2024
Core Min / Max Tested
Min 8.8.xx
The driver can get all Shabbat related information for multiple locations on a single controller. No Hardware is required
It has the following data points
Upcoming Candle Lighting and Havdalah time and date
Dawn, Sunrise, Sunset and Dusk Times for today
Hebrew and Gregorian date
Lyening and Triennial reading list
Torah Reading
Event Map Triggers
Sunrise / Sunset / Dawn / Dusk
Candle Lighting and Havdalah
Halachic Times (Zmanim)
See List at the end of the Note.
The Driver doesn’t use IP addresses. That field is non-configurable
The driver uses information retrieved from the cloud. An internet connection is required at all times the driver is in use.
The driver uses cloud-based information. No API key is required.
The driver can be installed multiple times. Each instance of the driver needs to have it’s own location and time zone setting.
Obtain the Latitude and Longitude and Time Zone of the location you wish to track
You can obtain the Lat / Long from Google maps or a website such as .
You can also obtain the Lat / Long from Elan’s Location and Weather System tab in the configurator
Copy and paste those values in the driver
The driver will also need the time zone.
In your Elan System Tab, go to Basic Information and Copy the Time Zone exactly as it appears.
Important: Exact match is essential. The driver will not function properly if the information is not entered as is. These are universally accepted time zone settings. There is no copy paste from this field, it must be typed in.
If your time zone doesn’t appear here, please use the TZ database name field from this list
Install under Input / Output as a Sense Input
NOTE: If installing multiple locations (multiple instances of the driver), name the Input controller based on location here. You will not be able to change the Sense Input after it is installed.
Fill in the
Innovo issued API Key – or leave blank if evaluating for 30days.
The recommend polling time is 12 hours; however, change this as needed.
Under the driver go to Settings
Add the Latitude and Longitude of the location you wish to track from the step above.
Add the time zone from the step above
Choose the options for time adjustments, nightfall and transliterations. Note if Havdalah at nightfall is ON the Havdalah time offset is ignored.
The driver has several included custom pages: Import and Connect each element to the proper variable as needed
The templates are included in the driver. Import them into a custom page under Interfaces
Connect the elements to the matching names in the driver
Use the following video tutorial as a reference.
Create Event Maps for Reload button by using the build in variables for the driver under Input / Output
Note: In this driver we tried to compact the output lines so that the dealer doesn’t have to connect too many elements. Make sure you take your customer’s Viewers into consideration and check that the screens are readable on their screens.
Use only fields you deem necessary
Each location will have sense inputs - To create a trigger, Right click the trigger name under the driver and create the necessary event.
For example, Sunrise Off - On means Sunrise has happened. The Sunrise Off – On is not used.
The driver will display several data points. To Refresh the data, click on the Refresh button.
Note: The dealer must link the Refresh button to a pre-defined event map to refresh
The user can delay / advance the trigger time
Tap -1 to advance trigger or +1 to delay trigger
Each tap will add / delay the event by one minute
There is no limit to the minutes added / subtracted but should generally be kept under 12 hours
If there is a new time, it will show up at the end of the line
If the user taps on the refresh button, the values will be reset
These events will occur only one time. The values will be automatically reset once an event is triggered by the driver.
To create the buttons on the interface, use the provided template or create an Button in the Configurator / Interface
Then Link that button to the appropriate event pre-programmed into the driver.
Index of Zmanim (halachic times) – Display only.
chatzotNight – Midnight – Chatzot
Sunset plus 6 halachic hours
alotHaShachar – Dawn – Alot haShachar
Sun is 16.1° below the horizon in the morning
misheyakir – Earliest talis & tefillin – Misheyakir
Sun is 11.5° below the horizon in the morning
misheyakirMachmir – Earliest talis & tefillin – Misheyakir Machmir
Sun is 10.2° below the horizon in the morning
dawn – Civil dawn
Sun is 6° below the horizon in the morning
sunrise – Sunrise
Upper edge of the Sun appears over the eastern horizon in the morning (0.833° above horizon)
sofZmanShma – Latest Shema (Gra)
Sunrise plus 3 halachic hours, according to the Gra
sofZmanTfilla – Latest Shacharit (Gra)
Sunrise plus 4.5 halachic hours, according to the Gra
chatzot – Midday – Chatzot
Sunrise plus 6 halachic hours
minchaGedola – Earliest Mincha – Mincha Gedola
Sunrise plus 6.5 halachic hours
minchaKetana – Preferable earliest time to recite Minchah – Mincha Ketana
Sunrise plus 9.5 halachic hours
plagHaMincha – Plag haMincha
Sunrise plus 10.75 halachic hours
sunset – Sunset
When the upper edge of the Sun disappears below the horizon (0.833° below horizon)
dusk – Civil dusk
Sun is 6° below the horizon in the evening
tzeit7083deg – Nightfall (3 medium stars) – Tzeit 7.083°
When 3 medium stars are observable in the night sky with the naked eye (sun 7.083° below the horizon)
tzeit85deg – Nightfall (3 small stars) – Tzeit 8.5°
When 3 small stars are observable in the night sky with the naked eye (sun 8.5° below the horizon)
tzeit42min – Nightfall (3 medium stars) – Tzeit 42 minutes
When 3 medium stars are observable in the night sky with the naked eye (fixed 42 minutes after sunset)
tzeit50min – Nightfall (3 small stars) – Tzeit 50 minutes
When 3 small stars are observable in the night sky with the naked eye (fixed 50 minutes after sunset)
tzeit72min – Nightfall (Rabbeinu Tam) – Tzeit 72 minutes
When 3 small stars are observable in the night sky with the naked eye (fixed 72 minutes after sunset)
Driver not Activated. Wait 10 seconds after Apply
Information not populated. Check internet connection.
If the driver is deleted and reinstalled, the interface pages will have to be remapped. It’s best to update the driver than delete and reinstall.