Manufacturer |
Simplified MFG |
Model |
HDP-MXB1616, HDP-MXB44P, M88KT, M44KT, RM42C |
Driver Name |
Simplified Matrix |
Driver Version | |
Document / Driver Revision |
Nov 27,2023 |
Core Min / Max Tested |
Min 8.8.xx |
This is a two-way driver to control Simplified MFG matrices from Elan. The driver has a heartbeat function that checks the connection with matrix and reports once it’s offline. It also has a self-healing function that will reconnect the matrix to the controller once it’s detected back online.
The Elan controller is capable of controlling and getting feedback from the Matrix using IP on default and custom ports.
The following options are supported:
The following playback options are not supported :
Setting ARC / EDID / UPSCALE. Those settings should be done using the web or command line interface of the matrix.
HDBT CEC are not supported
Any feature not specifically noted as supported should be assumed to be unsupported.
Your controller must be on the same subnet as the matrix. On initial setup, the Matrix must be configured with an IP address and open to port 8000.
It is recommended that you follow the below installation process in order to ensure you are running the latest version of the [driver].
There is a special feature that a dealer can use to “Hide” Zones. Hiding zones can be done here or in the Interface. Hiding Zones is sequential. For example, if you choose 12 Zones but the matrix has 16, then then last 4 will be hidden. You cannot choose which ones will be hidden. It will always be the last ports after the number you set.
Note: Zones will be hidden in Elan but will still be funcational on the Matrix. The All Zone will still control all zones physically present on the matrix
IMPORTANT NOTE: After Setting “Matrix Input or Output” value and / or Hide “All “ Virtual Zone value, you must first click Apply, (wait 10 seconds) then Configure Matrix (Wait 10 Seconds) then Update Driver (Wait 10 Seconds) for the changes to take place. Clicking Apply or Configure Matrix by itself is not enough.
Changing the Configuration of the Matrix Ports will result in all Zone names being Reset to the default. Rename afterwards as desired. Clicking Apply, Power On, Update Driver will NOT reset the Zone Names.
NOTE: Changing the port in the configurator will automatically update the matrix to listen on the same port. If the port is changed manually in the Matrix, change this value to match. A confirmation message will appear in the Feedback Field
NOTE: The driver will always add an extra zone at the end called “All”. This is a virtual zone that will act as “All”. Selecting a source in the “All Zone” will set the selected source as an input for all Zones.
From the Viewer, selecting a source will automatically turn the output on. Choosing Off for the zone will set the Matrix output “Stream” value to “Off”
Selecting a source in the “All” Zone will select the same source for all Zones. Turning off the “All” Zone will turn off all zones.
The driver will automatically execute a Power On if the Matrix is in Standby Mode when a source is activated.
The driver will turn off all zones if the Matrix is put into Standyby Mode
The following table provides settings used in Configurator …Please refer to the Configurator Reference Guide for more details.
In the table below:
Devices | Variable Name | Settings | Comments |
Media | Name | User Defined (Default: SimplifiedMatrix | |
System # | <Auto Detect> | ||
Device Type | Ethernet | ||
Driver Name | SimplifiedMatrix | ||
Driver Version | <Auto Detect> | ||
Driver Vendor | Innovo | ||
Activation KEY | <User Defined> |
IP Address | <User Defined> | |
Zone Controller | Display Name | <User Defined> (Default: SimplifiedMatrix) |
System # | <Auto Detect> | |
Source Device | <User Defined> (Default: SimplifiedMatrix) |