Magic Cube Aura Manual
Congratulations on your Magic Cube Aura. This guide will take you through plugging in your device and configuring it for use with your controller.
The Magic Cube Aura is device aimed an the home automation market to help harness the power of the open source community and connect it to Home Automation platforms such as Nice and Control 4.
This device is only sold to dealers and cannot be purchased retail. To find a home automation professional in your area, reach out to your local automation resource.
The Magic Cube runs a few home automation platforms and some special scripts to make it all work seamlessly with Nice (Elan) Control systems.
The Magic Cube has several options depending on what your ordered. If you purchased the wireless options.
The Magic Cube Aura has been designed and programmed from the ground up to make it easy to setup. Please note the following changes from the first generation Magic Cubes
The Magic Cube Aura has been pre-configured with user accounts and tokens.
From any web browser access the menu of the Magic Cube Aura. You can access it as follows
If you network allows discovery type:
If not, find the ip address that was assigned to it and use, for example:
The Dashboard offers several areas
System Information that includes the health / version / ip address / system services / software versions.
Links to access services via IP address in case the menu options with the hostname are not accessible
Links to help sections
Many areas require login. Use the username / password obtained in this step.
It’s important to register the Cube. This will give Innovo access to update and maintain your cube via our private cloud. This will also allow you to access your Magic Cube using our cloud once that service is opened to dealers.
Click on Register Cube.
The Token has already been added at the factory. DO NOT enter a new token unless you read the section below about changing tokens and passwords..
Add Your Email, Name, Project Name and Project Location and hit save.
After you Register the Magic Cube. You will need to connect it to Nice to get the Username / Password. This can be done by adding an Input driver available below(You must have a dealer account and be logged into the site to download the driver).
DO NOT share, write or post this password anywhere. It’s always available to you by clicking on the Magic Reveal button on the bottom of the screen.
Download the file below
Install the driver using Sense Inputs –> Add New Input Controller.
Hit Discover, the Magic Cube will be automatically discovered and added.
Hit Magic Reveal, the password will be shown for 30 seconds. If the password is needed again, Click Magic Reveal again.
You cannot use this driver to change passwords.
Reach out to if you wish to alter the system password.
The Driver also has sensors about the health of the Magic Cube that can be used to trigger events.
A good trigger would be if the CPU temp reaches above 55C.
Connect to the Home Assistant Interface using your web browser
If you’re local on the same LAN or logged in use the Magic Cube Aura’s local HDMI connection, open up any web browser and access the menu of the Magic Cube Aura. You can access it as follows
If you network allows discovery type:
If not, find the ip address that was assigned to it and use, for example:
From the Admin Apps, Click on Home Assistant.
You can access the Home Assistant Login page directly by going to: (Note this is HTTPS not HTTP)
if you network allows discovery type:
If not, find the ip address that was assigned to it and use, for example:
Log in using the provided credentials
The Guide for Accessing the Cube Remotely using the Magic Cube Cloud will be provided when the service is launched.
Onboarding to Home Assistant (NOT Needed with the Magic Cube) (For Reference ONLY)
NOTE: Home Assistant on the MAGIC Cube has already been onboarded for the Cube’s Special uses. Only use this as a guide and only if instructed by Support.
This Manual is modified and customized from the original Home Assistant Documenation available here.
Enter the Home Assistant device’s address in your browser’s address bar
Typically, this is
Ignore all browser SSL certificate warnings. This is a local site that uses a self issued SSL certificate. Choose Accept (Advanced, Accept) and Proceed.
If you are running an older Windows version or have a stricter network configuration, you might need to access Home Assistant at https://magiccubeaura.local:8123 or http://X.X.X.X:8123
(replace X.X.X.X with your device’s IP address).
Result: You now see the welcome screen. Depending on your hardware, preparation may take a while.
NOTE: If you are using the Magic Cube Aura, you skip the following steps
With Home Assistant installed, it’s time to set up the basics.
In this step, you will create the owner’s account of Home Assistant. This account is an administrator account. It will always be able to change everything.
If you want to restore from a backup of a previous installation, contact
If this is your initial installation, select Create my smart home.
Enter a name, username, and password. Select Create account.
For Magic Cube Aura: We highly recommend keep this as the default username / password that was preset with the Cube. Otherwise, when submitting a tech support request, make sure to include the new username/password that you created.
Enter the location of your home.
Select which information you are willing to share.
Once you are done, select Next.
Finally, select Finish.
Now you’re in Home Assistant, let’s go over important parts of Home Assistant and what they do.
By Default, The Magic Cube relies on Control systems for the UI and doesn’t use dashboards.
Dashboards are customizable pages to display information in Home Assistant. To learn more about dashboards, refer to the dashboard documentation.
NOTE: Once you add the integration to Home Assistant, add the corresponding driver in your control system. For example, after install the Philips Hue integration in home assistant, install the Magic Cube Lighting Pro Driver in your controller, choose Philips and Install. This will import all your devices from the Magic Cube into your control System.
Integrations are pieces of software that allow Home Assistant to connect to other software and platforms. For example, a product by Philips called Hue would use the Philips Hue integration and allow Home Assistant to talk to the hardware controller Hue Bridge. Any Home Assistant compatible devices connected to the Hue Bridge would appear in Home Assistant as devices.
For a full list of compatible integrations, refer to the integrations documentation.
Once an integration has been added, the hardware and/or data are represented in Home Assistant as devices and entities.
Devices are a logical grouping for one or more entities. A device may represent a physical device which can have one or more sensors. The sensors appear as entities associated to the device. For example, a motion sensor is represented as a device. It may provide motion detection, temperature, and light levels as entities. Entities have states such as detected when motion is detected and clear when there is no motion.
Devices and entities are used throughout Home Assistant. To name a few examples:
A set of repeatable actions that can be set up to run automatically. Automations are made of three key components:
To learn the basics about automations, refer to the automation basics page or try creating an automation yourself.
Similar to automations, repeatable actions that can be run. The difference between scripts and automations is that scripts do not have triggers like automations. This means that scripts cannot automatically run unless they are used in an automation. Scripts are particularly useful if you perform the same actions in different automations or trigger them from a dashboard. For information on how to create scripts, refer to the scripts documentation.
Scenes allow you to create predefined settings for your devices. Similar to a driving mode on phones, or driver profiles in cars, it can change an environment to suit you. For example, your watching films scene may dim the lighting, switch on the TV and increase its volume. This can be saved as a scene and used without having to set individual devices every time.
To learn how to use scenes, refer to the scene documentation.
The Magic Cube Does NOT support Add-ons. More Info Here about the installation type
Let’s start by adding your first integation
so that you can see and change a smart home device.
From the sidebar, click on Settings > Devices & Services. At this screen you will be able to set up integrations with Home Assistant. You might notice a discovered section. This section contains integrations that were found on your network and can easily be added with a few clicks. If your integrations are not discovered, click the Add integration button in the lower right and search for your integration in that list.
In this example, we’ll add a Chromecast to Home Assistant. Chromecast uses the Google Cast integration. Although the below example has already discovered the device, let’s add it manually.
First, press the Add integration button in the lower right and search for your integration in that list.
Select Google Cast from the list. Because my Chromecast device was already discovered, it asks if I want to add the discovered one or a different one. I will choose the latter and setup another instance.
It now asks for the network IP address of the device. Describing how to identify a devices IP address is beyond the scope of this article because each network is different. However, the router is usually a good place to look. In this example, it’s
If it was successful, it will show a message and allow you to set the area it belongs to.
When you’re done, navigate back to the web interface and voila, your devices are ready for you to control. You can always go back to add and remove integrations in the future.
If you get stuck, need more information, or want to see what the setup process is like, use the integration documentation.
Once you add Automations to Home Assistant, they can be imported into your control system using and Input / Output Driver. You can then trigger these automations from you control system and also receive feedback if these automations have been triggered outside the control system.
Once your devices are set up, it’s time to put the cherry on the pie: automation. In this guide we’re going to create a simple automation rule to turn on the lights when the sun sets. Of course, this assumes that you have set up an integration that provides a light at this point.
In the user interface in the sidebar, click Settings > Automations & Scenes. You will now see the automation screen from which you can manage all the automations in Home Assistant.
Click the blue button at the bottom right to create a new automation. A dialog will appear. Choose Create new automation. You are presented with a blank automation screen.
The first thing we will do is set a name. Enter “Turn Lights On at Sunset”.
The second step is defining what should trigger
our automation to run. In this case, we want to use the event of the sun setting to trigger our automation. However, if we would turn on the lights when the sun actually sets, it would be too late as it already gets quite dark while it’s setting. So we’re going to add an offset.
In the trigger section, click on the dropdown menu and change the trigger type to Sun. It allows us to choose sunrise or sunset, so go ahead and pick Sunset. As we discussed, we want our automation to be triggered a little before the sun actually sets, so let’s add -00:30
as the offset. This indicates that the automation will be triggered 30 minutes before the sun actually sets. Neat!
Once we have defined our trigger, scroll down to the action section. Make sure the action type is set to Call service and change the service to light.turn_on
. For this automation we’re going to turn on all lights, so let’s change the service data to:
entity_id: all
Click the orange button to save the automation. Now wait till it’s 30 minutes until the sun sets and see your automation magic!
If after completing this getting started you are interested in reading more about automations, we recommend the following pages:
Please note, these pages may require a bit more experience with Home Assistant than you probably have at this point of this tutorial.
To Access Terminal Console to administer the Magic Cube’s Operating System, follow these steps.
From the Main Menu, Choose System Services
You will be required to login. Login with the credentials provided to you when you received the cube.
Select Terminal
Login to Terminal. You will need to use your credentials again.
Once you login, type:
sudo dietpi-config
then enter, then type your password again, then enter. For Security reasons, password cursor will not move as you type but it’s being registered as you type.
Choose the desired configuration item (you must use up / down / right / left keys at this point, the mouse will not work here.
For Detailed explanation of each item, use this reference link.
Use the up / down key to choose the configuration menu item
Once done, the system will always come back to the last screen. Then Choose <Back> then <Exit>. Choosing <OK> will have you repeat the process instead of exit and save.
We highly recommend that you setup a DHCP reservation for the Magic Cube. This will make it easier to move the Cube if needed and setup some services.
If you need a static reservation please use this guide and then confirm that all your services are working properly.
Access Terminal as outlined in this article.
Once you login, type:
sudo dietpi-config
then enter, then type your password again, then enter. For Security reasons, password cursor will not move as you type but it’s being registered as you type.
Use the up / down key to choose the LAN adapter, then use tab to highlight OK then enter key.
Follow the prompts to setup connection.
If your Magic Cube Aura is factory equipped with a WiFi adapter, use the following process to add it to a WiFi access point.
Access Terminal as outlined in this article.
Once you login, type:
sudo dietpi-config
then enter, then type your password again, then enter. For Security reasons, password cursor will not move as you type but it’s being registered as you type.
Use the up / down key to choose the WiFi adapter, then use tab to highlight OK then enter key.
Select scan, then tab over to OK and then enter key.
Choose an open slot (usually the first one). If you want to connect to multiple WiFi points, repeat this process.
The system will scan your network for available WiFi access points.
Choose your point NOTE: If the search turns up nothing, repeat this process. If still nothing, disable / enable the WiFi adapter, then try again.
WARNING: DO NOT disable the WiFi adapter remotely, always do this local to the network and only if you also have an ethernet cable plugged in and activated for backup. If the WiFi is disabled you will lose the connection to be able to turn it back on again.
Choose the encryption method required by your WiFi (typically the default)
Enter the password then tab to OK
Verify the information on the next screen and tab over to DONE (Not to OK). If you click ok, you will be given the chance to remove and scan again.
Back on the final page, scroll down to APPLY then tab over to OK
Confirm one more time. The system will go back to terminal and apply the changes.
Once done, the system will come back to the last screen. Confirm that you are connected and have an IP address, then Choose <Back>, On the next screen <Back> again, then <Exit>.