Install Magic Cube. Set up all your devices in Magic Cube and name them according to your needs. See Device Integration Notes at the end
The driver relies on a static IP address for each Magic Cube device. Assign a Static IP address using DHCP reservations in your router. If the device IP address changes, then change it manually in the Elan Configurator
Starting with Magic Cube Aura and V5 Patch 3, you no longer need to add the token. The token is added using the Magic Cube Admin Interface. See Magic Cube User Manual.
It is recommended that you follow the below installation process to ensure you are running the latest version of the [driver].
Note: This Driver Will be installed by MagicCubeAirPro, To Install it separetly do the following.
Open Utilities Section, Air Devices, Add new Air Device.
In V2, click Import MagicCubeAir driver. In V1, Navigate to the folder where the driver is located and Choose the MagicCubeAir driver, OK
If you receive a warning that this is not a Native Elan driver, click OK
The Driver will automatically go into trial mode for 30 days. Wait for about 10 seconds and the Status will turn Green
Add the Innovo Activation Code that you received in the email.
Starting with Magic Cube Aura and V5 Patch 3, you no longer need to add the token. The token is added using the Magic Cube Admin Interface. See Magic Cube User Manual
Click Apply.
Click Discover, and the driver will discover and populate the IP address of the Magic Cube device on the network. If the device is not discovered or you have more than one, enter the IP address manual.
From the Function dropdown, choose the type of sensors you would like to install.
In the deviceId field, set the device id you would like to install it's inputs.
Click Apply, the driver will then Install All inputs as shown in the picture.
By Default, Nice creates an alpha ordered page with all the values. If you want to create a page for certain values in a specific order, you can create a custom page. Follow this link on how to do this.